
Ceramic Art

Ute Kathrin Beck

<em>King</em>, vase, 2019. 43x18x19 cm. Stoneware, polished, platinum. Photo Frank Kleinbach.
Ute Kathrin Beck

Thomas Bohle

Vessel, 2012. Double-walled, wheel-thrown stoneware. Ø 27cm, H 16,5cm
Thomas Bohle

Hans Coper

Early and large globular pot, 1953. Sold at Phillips New York. for $ 179,00, 17.12.2013.
Hans Coper

Pippin Drysdale

<em>Granite Outcrop</em>. Series <em>Tanami Mapping</em>, 2010. Photo Robert Frith
Pippin Drysdale

Emil Heger

<em>Thrown Shape</em>, 2003. Stoneware, H 59 cm
Emil Heger

Kap Sun Hwang

Vase. Porcelain
Kap Sun Hwang

Angelika Jansen

Storage vessel.
Angelika Jansen

Isezaki Jun

Plate <em>Anakuriozara</em>. Bizen-ceramics.
Isezaki Jun

Si-Sook Kang

International top class ceramics with celadon glazes from Si-Sook Kang.
Si-Sook Kang

Deok Ho Kim

<em>Vestige</em> vessel, 2014. Porcelain, Ø 26,8 x H 13,6 cm
Deok Ho Kim

Sung Chul Kim

Oil Lamps, 2012. Porcelain, half matt glaze.
Sung Chul Kim

Lut Laleman

Vessels <em>Lilies</em>. Porcelain.
Lut Laleman

In Hwa Lee

Bowls Set <em>Green Cylinder</em>, 2014. White porcelain, clay, 19.5 × 9.7 cm.
In Hwa Lee

Jeong Won Lee

Vessels <em>Line for Ellipse</em>, 2013. White porcelain, slip casting, transparent glaze, 26.5 × 13 × 14 cm and 19 × 8 × 18 cm
Jeong Won Lee

Minsoo Lee

Vessels <em>+,-</em>, 2016, engobe, porcelain, outer vessel Ø 36 cm, h 14 cm.
Minsoo Lee

Sonngard Marcks

Plate <em>Kratzdistel</em> [Scratch thistle]. Clay, engobe and glaze painting.
Sonngard Marcks

Johannes Nagel

Johannes Nagel

Barbara Nanning

Object <em>Galaxy</em>. Stoneware, sand, pigment, lacquer.
Barbara Nanning

Aino Nebel

<em>Twist</em> object, 2015. Porcelain, H 25 cm
Aino Nebel

Heide Nonnenmacher

<em>ZeitRaum</em>. 51x48x37cm. Photo Doris Leuschner.
Heide Nonnenmacher

Gottfried Palatin

Box <em>Nr. 9</em>. Brasil-red.
Gottfried Palatin

Lotte Reimers

Lotte Reimers
Lotte Reimers

Lucie Rie

Footed bowl. Stoneware, matt blue glaze. Sold at Bonhams London for 13,750 £, 18.06.2014
Lucie Rie

Jochen Rüth

Bullet fragments, 2018. D 25 cm and 30 cm.
Jochen Rüth

Elke Sada

<em>Untitled</em>, object from the <em>Hallstattpiece</em> series, 2018. Terra Nigra clay, coloured slips, glaze, photo Christoph Kremtz.
Elke Sada

Anna Sykora

<em>Sgraffito</em> cup. Porcelain, terra sigillata, H 8,5 cm.
Anna Sykora

Louisa Taylor

Supper Set <em>Oriole</em>, 2011. Porcelain. 56 x 28 cm.
Louisa Taylor

Asta Volkensfeld

Bowl object <em>Ich will ihn suchen</em> [I want to look for him], stoneware clay, hand-building, smoke-firing, D 42 cm. H 37 cm.
Asta Volkensfeld

Edmund de Waal

Dishes, 2002. Seladon glaze.
Edmund de Waal

Dorothee Wenz

Vessel, 2016, H 47 cm. Colored clay and porcelain, built up ground and polished.
Dorothee Wenz