Posts Tagged: earrings
Trade fairs
Uli Biskup At Spandow Gallery
Ausstellung mit Arbeiten von Ursula Biskup in Berlin-Spandau
Winner of two state awards, Ursula Biskup ranks among those designers who wed perfected craftsmanship to innovative ideas in their jewelry. Born in Bergisch-Gladbach in… Read on
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Galerie Spandow
Fischerstraße 28 /
Entrance Breite Straße 23
13597 Berlin
- Summer party
03.09.2016, 3–9 pm
Exhibition and opening
05.–24.09.2016 - Link
Modern Jewelry Design
Contemporary Jewelry Designers are inspired by Diverse Sources
They’re not interested in ephemeral trends. Contemporary designers primarily cultivate their uniquely personal styles. The sources of inspiration can be nature, as is the case… Read on
Photo Gallery
Natural and unaffected
Positive response to the EUNIQUE-PORTRAITS created on 8 and 9 May 2015 at the International Fair for Applied Arts and Design in Karlsruhe.
The name EUNIQUE is a word coined from the initials of a united Europe “EU” and the word “unique”. We wanted this to be reflected… Read on