Like no other event since World War II, the Corona Pandemic 2020 has influenced politics, economy, society and culture. Despite all the hardship and distortions, the virus has also promoted solidarity and a sense of community – also in art, craft and design, as Nikolay Sardamov confirms.
AA What did the Corona year 2020 mean for you personally and economically?
NS 2020 was a very different year, a year of limitations and distance, a year of rethinking the values in my life, in our lives … It was not easy for my professional performances either – several exhibitions I had to take part in were postponed and others canceled, but the galleries presenting my art stood behind me and continued to support me. I am deeply grateful to them for being by my side in this difficult time.

Nikolay Sardamov’s studio on Madrid Boulevard in the Bulgarian capital Sofia.
AA How has this affected your work?
NS This year I had the time to develop some of my ideas, which I postponed due to lack of time in previous years.
AA With what expectations are you looking forward to the new year?
NS I expect 2021 to be more positive and I believe that mankind is strong – both emotionally and physically and that it will cope soon with this pandemic in the best way.
AA What should we humans as a whole learn from this pandemic?

In 2005, Nikolaus Sardamov graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia with a Master’s degree in jewelry and metal.

Brooch Intersections 6 by Nikolay Sardamov. Bronze, powder-coated, silver. 7 × 7 × 4,5 cm. Photo Vencislava Vasileva.
NS I think that during this so difficult, both economically and psychologically, year we have learned many lessons – each for himself and specifically for his own values in life; each of us has stopped for a moment and looked around, both outside and inside. And I hope that this has helped us get the best out of ourselves – each for his little world, but also all of us together for the common world of values we share.
Nikolay Sardamov’s profile on Art Aurea