Niessing’s Design Studio now in Düsseldorf

Niessing on the way to an international brand.

Niessing’s design studio has a new home. Niessing’s CEO Sandro Erl explains that the studio with Nina Friesleben-Laue and Verena Darlath now occupies a new office at Cecilienallee 15 in Düsseldorf. The “White House” in the immediate vicinity of the manufacture building in Vreden was the birthplace for this jewelry brand’s design innovations since the 1970s. “In response to ongoing cultural changes, the new office concept creates a refuge and a place of encounter that encourages sharing, networking and agile processes in Germany and abroad,” Sandro Erl says. In the wake of the relocation, a new development division (known as the “Design Lab”) has been set up on the lower floor of the manufacture.

Niessing Design Studio, Duesseldorf

The new Niessing Design Studio in Düsseldorf

The brand continues its expansion with the establishment of its own sales venues. The announcement from Vreden added: “With Frankfurt, Hong Kong and Melbourne, we have opened three additional Niessing stores during the past three months. A fourth store in Sydney will follow very shortly.” Sandro Erl predicts that this strong presence in the metropolises will further boost Niessing’s brand recognition. The manufacture, which has been uncompromisingly devoted to modern jewelry design since the mid 1970s, is now successfully establishing itself as an international brand.

Niessing store

The Niessing store at Kaiser Strasse 18 in Frankfurt am Main

Niessing Antares ring

Filigreed and innovative, Niessing’s Antares ring is the most delicate variant of the original Niessing ring.

The overall executive responsibility for the German Niessing stores, which had been entrusted to Klaus Kaufhold, was placed in new hands in November 2017. Rudolf Peter Scheben now manages the stores in German-speaking regions. “Mr. Scheben has been sole managing director and co-owner of the German-speaking stores since May,” says Sandro Erl, who is delighted by the collaboration with Mr. Scheben as a Niessing partner.

Klaus Kaufhold, Niessing, Rudolf Peter Scheben

The opening of the store in Frankfurt marks the end of Klaus Kaufhold’s era at Niessing. On the left his wife Johanna and the new business manager of the German-speaking Niessing stores, Rudolf Peter Scheben