Elke Sada
Leipzig, Germany / elkesada.de
Claudia Steiner
Vienna, Austria / claudia-steiner.at

Rings Woodstone. Silver. Also available as pendant and earrings at Atelier Schmuckstelle, Vienna, Austria
Domus Aurea
Stuttgart, Germany / domus-aurea.de
Friederike Rohse
Hamburg, Germany / friederikerohse.de

Ring (Fisch)auge sei wachsam (Fish eye be vigilant). 3 × 7 cm. Photo CTL-Presse Clemens-Tobias Lange
Friederike Rohse’s enamel jewelry is appealing thanks to its rich forms and colors. This jewelry designer enamels both massive molded parts (e.g. her coveted little lemons) and planar pieces. The fish is a recurrent motif: it accompanies her artistic creation not only in her jewelry, but also in her sketches. As a gallerist, Friederike Rohse displays the work of the jewelry artist Vera Rhodius, the book artist and sculptor Till Verclas, and Ellen Luise’s sketches and objects.