Posts Tagged: Niessing
Studio Visits
Niessing’s Design Studio now in Düsseldorf
Niessing on the way to an international brand.
Niessing’s design studio has a new home. Niessing’s CEO Sandro Erl explains that the studio with Nina Friesleben-Laue and Verena Darlath now occupies a new… Read on
Studio Visits
How a Tension Ring is Created
Only a few jewelry creations have what it takes to become imperishable design classics. One of them is the Niessing Tension Ring®. But how exactly is this ring, this epitome of modern jewelry design, produced?
In 1908, Georg Simmel published his Psychologie des Schmuckes (Psychology of Jewelry). The way this great philosopher from Berlin described the egoistic and at the… Read on
Studio Visits
Niessing – Loving What One Does
Since 1982 the manufacturer has been the world market leader in jewelry design. An Interview
In 1979 Niessing developed its Tension Ring and the “Niessing S” jewelry line in 1982. The company is currently in a phase of generational change.… Read on
Market & Opinion
Inspirational Places and Art to wear
Learn what it takes to be an Inspirational Place and about the impact of our "Who Wears My Art?" photo initiative in our current issue
Art Aurea – this is art, design and manufactory culture indebted to craft traditions: Ceramic art, the art of jewelry making and silversmithing, studio glass, art… Read on