Ute Kathrin Beck
1967 Born in Stuttgart, Germany
1991–93 Completed training in ceramic design, master’s examination as architectural ceramist, exchange student in England
1994–96 Studied interior design at technical college in Rosenheim
Since 1996 Own workshop
2012 State prize of Baden-Württemberg and prize of the city of Ulm

Ute Kathrin Beck

Her inventive ceramic vessels and objects are impressive thanks to the unity and dynamism of form and sculptural ornament. Ute Kathrin Beck avails herself of the freedom to create sculptures that still allude to containers, yet evoke diverse associations through their physicality and imagery. Primordial marine animals are suggested by the three-footed pieces that earned her Baden-Württemberg’s state prize in 2012, while her series “Glanz und Glimmer” refers to a baroque display of splendor. This ceramist is clearly inspired by playing with formal and imagistic references and by the dialogue between inside and outside. Practical containers become cult objects and ornamental pieces which are simultaneously archaic and contemporary. Each creation expresses her distinctive view while inspiring and disconcerting its viewers.

Represented by

  • Germany, 
      • Kunsthandlung & Galerie Bollhorst

        Address Oberlinden 25
        79098 Freiburg
        Phone +49 (0)151 15 77 60 33
        Email info(at)galerie-bollhorst.de
        Times Wed–Fri 2 pm–6 pm
        Sat 11 am–4 pm
  • USA, 
      • Mobilia Gallery

        Mobilia Gallery
        Address 358 Huron Ave,
        Cambridge, MA 02138
        Phone 001 617 876 2109
        Email mobiliaart(at)verizon.net
        Times Tuesday–Friday 11am–6pm
        Saturday 10am–5pm
        and by appointment