Like so many events in the fall of 2020, the exhibition of Gruppe 83 had to be canceled, so Friederike Zeit Narum and Svein Narum are all the more eagerly looking forward to the exhibition in September. Dr. Nele van Wieringen, director of Ceramic Museum Westerwald, will speak at the exhibit’s opening in Atelier Zeit und Narum at 4 p.m. on Saturday, September 11. The organizer, who also wrote the following text, explains that long before Facebook and other social media, artists and gallery owners had already understood that networking and sharing are crucial for artists.

Couples, ceramic sculpture by Friederike Zeit Narum. She organizes the exhibition in Deidesheim.
German members of the Académie Internationale de la Céramique (AIC) joined forces in 1983/84. Their aims were to make ceramics more visible in Germany, to support one another and to organize exhibitions and publications in Germany and abroad. The group’s members share no artistic position in common. All members are free to go their own ways and to develop freely. The AIC is a network of friendship: the strength of collegial solidarity has kept the group together for many years and will hopefully continue to do so in the future.
After a long absence due to the pandemic, the group can now present itself in a new formation in Deidesheim. Alongside Karin Bablok, Antje Brüggemann, Dieter Crumbiegel, Cathy Fleckstein, Christa Gebhardt, Renée Reichenbach, Elisabeth Schaffer, Vera and Fritz Vehring, Gotland Weigel and Friederike Zeit Narum, new colleagues Petra Bittl, Sonngard Marcks, Anke Müffelmann and Svein Narum joined the group in 2019 and 2020.

Créature morte, ceramic art by Gruppe 83 member Christa Gebhardt.
An important aspect of the group’s work is to communicate and interact with international artists, who are regularly invited to participate in the exhibitions. Myriam Jiménez and Juan Orti from Spain will be guests at the upcoming show. Jiménez and Orti are not unknown in Deidesheim because they had already participated in the intonation of “Deidesheimer Kunsttage,” the annual symposium for ceramics. Volker Brüggemann will be a guest from Germany.

With her sophisticated ceramic art the Spanish artist Myriam Jimenez is a guest in Deidesheim.
Artworks by the sixteen members and three guests will be on display in the spacious rooms of the atelier and in the wonderfully light-flooded former synagogue in Deidesheim. We anticipate an exciting dialogue between generations, genres and views. Necessary protections against the coronavirus will be taken.
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Schloßstraße 6
67146 Deidesheim
Germany - Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays,
2 – 6 p.m. or by appointment
+4915118400937 - Link