Munich Creative Business Week

The largest design event in Germany will focus on "Design Connects - The Smart Revolution" this year.


Despite the internet of things, digital lifestyle and smart living, the core of human experience always remains analogue. The virtual and digital worlds are connected by the design of their interfaces. That’s why “Design Connects – The Smart Revolution” is the theme that the sixth Munich Creative Business Week puts into its focal point in Munich this year. Over 200 events on nine days offer an extensive program for individuals in creative professions, people who commission their work and everyone else who’s interested in design. Highlights include numerous conferences and exhibits offering an abundance of diverse events for specialists and the general public.

Not all of the events are subordinate to this focal theme at the MCBW, which sees itself as an open platform for creative products. The Republic of Korea, which is the national partner this year, will present conferences, exhibits and keynotes providing insights into tradition, crafts and life in the Far Eastern design nation. After a year’s pause, the Bavarian State Prize for Young Designers will again be awarded at the BCBW. The annual conference for editorial design, formerly known as QVED, now appears under the name EDCH. And the MCBW Start Up format, which enters its third successful round in 2017, presents itself in the Muffathalle directly opposite the MCBW Forum on Museumsinsel. Raumwerk, the Munich concept store which is a new distributing partner for Art Aurea, is also represented in Munich, as is Keum Art Projects, a German-Korean culture platform.


Corean craft and design during the Munich Creative Business Week at the concept store raumdesign. Above: Lunchboxes of Thekyoung Minn. Below: Re-formed Cup of Jeong Won Lee. Photos: Anton Brandl


Jeong Won Lee, reformed cup series. Glazed porcelain, 10,5 cm, Ø: 7 cm

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