For the ceramists Gudrun Petzold and Susanne Kallenbach, and the painter W. Jo Brunner, a close relationship with nature is a constant source of inspiration, as well as the most important manifestation of their in-depth artistic involvement with it. Continual changes in their natural environment, plus the vibrantly complex interrelationship between natural processes and their depiction define the meaningful contents of their works.

Gudrun Petzold Epidermis II. Colored stoneware, L 44, H 28 cm

Gudrun Petzold, Rindenstück I. Colored stoneware, stone powder glaze, L 39, H 33,5 cm

Gudrun Petzold, fragmentarisch IV. Colored stoneware, engobe, L 31 H 21,5 cm
The cycles of genesis, growth and decline in the organic and the inorganic natural worlds are the main focuses of Gudrun Petzold’s visual interest. With heightened sensitivity, the artist addresses the endangerment of and even the finitude of the animate world, triggering a sense of cautiousness and responsibility when dealing with creations of nature.

W. Jo Brunner, Potosi. Oil on cotton cloth, 120×100 cm

W. Jo Brunner, Alp Baach. Oil on cotton cloth, 120×100 cm
The painter and graphic artist W. Jo Brunner dedicates the vast majority of his artistic output to the alpine world. In view of the millions of years it took today’s mountain ranges to form, he considers himself as involved in processes of continuous change, such as erosion or glacial melting, also caused by massive anthropogenic intervention. Brunner paints his motifs in different time levels, thus creating an abstractly expressive naturalism of compelling quality.

Susanne Kallenbach, Große Strukturschale, 2017. Stoneware, engobe, oxyde, H 25cm, D 49,5cm

Susanne Kallenbach, Strukturvasen Triptychon, 2017. Stoneware, Engobe, Oxyde, H 54 to 55 cm. Perlbach photodesign, Preetz
In particular, inanimate nature, such as rocks and mountains, also provides multifaceted sources of inspiration for Susanne Kallenbach. Captivatingly elegant creations featuring sensitively finished, compellingly vibrant surface textures and proportions, as well as a subtle harmony of stillness and motion seem to be harboring special secrets. English translation: Sabine Goodman

The ceramist Susanne Kallenbach in her studio. Photo Hajo Haye, Hamburg, 2012

His studio has photographed W. Jo Brunner himself
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Galerie Metzger
Hauptstraße 18
63867 Johannesberg
Germany - Opening 22.10.2017, 11 am
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