Hiawatha Seiffert
1973 Born in Marburg an der Lahn
2003 Master Metalworker certificate
2006–2010 Design and metal design, Hildesheim’s University of Applied Sciences and Arts
2008–2009 Foreign exchange scholarship, Vienna University of Applied Arts
Since 2010 Institute for ceramics and glass, University of Applied Sciences, Höhr-Grenzhausen

Hiawatha Seiffert

The basic material for Hiawatha Seiffert’s bowl objects are the chains of bicycles, motorcycles or machines. They are combined in an exciting manner by means of forging and welding, which also contributes to their spatial dynamics. The rough surface structure is due to the industrial technology and elementary forging techniques involved. It always changes in appearance according to the mood of the light and the atmosphere in the room. “Playing with the material’s properties and taking them to the limits is the most important aspect when I create these pieces,” Seiffert comments. He experimented with damascus steel for a long time before he started giving bicycle and motorcycle chains a second lease of life by transforming them into vessels. In addition to winning several awards, his creations have been included in the collections of Hamburg’s Museum of Arts and Crafts as well as in “Die Neue Sammlung” international design museum.

Represented by

  • Germany
      • Craftkontor

        Address Koblenzer Straße 35
        Entrance Bürgerstraße
        53173 Bonn
        Phone +49 (0)228 52 88 01 52
        Email ap@craftkontor.com
        Times Tue–Fri 11 am–6.30 pm
        Sat 10 am–2 pm

        ART AUREA available
      • Galerie für Angewandte Kunst

        Address Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein
        Pacellistraße 6-8
        80333 Munich
        Phone +49 (0)89 29 01 47 0
        Email info@bayerischer-kunstgewerbeverein.de
        Times Mon–Sat 10 am–6 pm

        ART AUREA available