Martin Potsch
1967 Born in Munich
1993 Diploma in communication design at the FH Munich
1999 Designer for different Studios
2005 Winner of the "Haus der Kunst Preis 2005", Munich
since 2014 Working with glass

Martin Potsch

The starting point for the glass works of Martin Potsch is a deep, far-reaching enthusiasm for the material. After a workshop at the Glasfachschule Zwiesel, the designer began to develop the first objects together with the experienced glassmakers there. Characteristically for his vessels in simple basic forms is the expressive, painterly point of view. “I understand the transparent glass surface as canvas and playground,” explains Potsch. His goal is a continuously growing deeper understanding of the possibilities of the material. All works are unique. Prices between 1.000 and 3.000 euros.

Represented by

  • Germany
      • Martin Potsch

        Martin Potsch_Atelier Muenchen
        Address Pariser Straße 25
        81667 München
        Phone +49 (0)178 7308654
        Email mpotsch(at)
        Times Monday–Friday
        And by appointment