Gitta Pielcke
1964 Born in Hamburg, Germany
1987–1991 Hanau State Academy
Since 1991 Has been running her atelier, located today in Augsburg

Gitta Pielcke

With her Geckos necklace (1994) and her Frogs necklace (1996), Gitta Pielcke set herself deliberately apart from the austere jewelry design prevailing back then. For more than 20 years, she wanted her jewelry themed around the plant and animal worlds to be primarily fun. For some time now, this jewelry designer has been striking a more serious tone, creating politically motivated brooches and necklaces that challenge the way people treat and exploit animals. Focusing mainly on industrialized livestock farming as a consequence of our thoughtless consumerism and the extinction of species, she often combines organic materials, such as animal bones, eggshells and feathers, with metal. “I want the new pieces to be thought-provoking due to their simple messages, but at the same time to be aesthetically pleasing as well,” says Gitta Pielcke.

Represented by

  • Germany
      • Maxgalerie

        Address Maximilianstraße 14
        86150 Augsburg
        Phone +49 (0)821 15 20 49
        Email info(at)
        Times please ring
        or by appointment