Mille Fiabe
1978 Born in Tübingen
1999–2004 Diploma Programme Textile Design at the Reutlingen University
2004–2006 Master Programme Textile Design at the Reutlingen University
2006–2011 Designer in the area Color & Trim Design Automotive Industry for GM and Bugatti
Seit 2011 Founding and development of Mille Fiabe object design

Mille Fiabe

The objects created for the label Mille Fiabe represent an encounter between nature and culture, between opulence and purism, between dream and reality, between transparency and mysteriousness. In a partly utopian, partly humorous style, the collection’s designer, Katrin Ruoffner, has wedded what seems incompatible, and sparks our imagination with creations that combine polished glass, finely brushed stainless steel, clear glass mirrors, faceted crystal glass stones and delicate miniature figurines. Synergizing high standards – as to materials and aesthetics – and unselfconscious delight in playfulness, these designer objects are supposed to inspire the beholder to take a different view of the world, which is often lost in the everyday hectic of our technologized world.