Market & Opinion
Lucie Rie at Phillips NY
High auction results for her excellent studio pottery
The Grande Dame of the British post-war ceramics, who died in 1995, is represented with some works, including three bowls from 1978. Among the highlights… Read on
Trade fairs
The Salon Art + Design
New York art fair for historical, modern and contemporary art and design
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Park Avenue Armory
643 Park Avenue
New York, NY
at 66th and 67th Streets
- November 10
Collector’s Preview 5pm – 7pm
Vernissage Party 7pm – 9pm
November 11 - 11am – 8pm
November 12 - 11am – 7pm
November 13 - 11am – 7pm
November 14 - 11am – 5pm
- Link
Voulkos: The Breakthrough Years
The exhibition at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York focuses on the early career of ceramic artist Peter Voulkos.
Ceramic artist Peter Voulkos (1924 – 2002) reshaped expectations around the ceramic medium, and created a varied body of work both in abstract and pottery… Read on
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Museum of Arts and Design
2 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019
USA - Tuesday to Sunday from 10am–6pm
Thursday and Friday from 10am–9pm
Closed Mondays and major holidays - Link
Trade fairs
The International Show
Fine Art, Crafts and Antiques
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The Park Avenue Armory
643 Park Avenue
New York
USA - Fri, Sat, Mon, Wed 11 am–7.30 pm
Sun, Tue, Thu 11 am–6 pm - Link
LOOT: MAD About Jewelry
Jewelry exhibition with 50 artists. With Nicole Schuster
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Museum of Arts and Design
2 Columbus Cir
New York, NY 10019
USA - Link
Line Vautrin, Yoichi Ohira, Gertrud and Otto Natzler and others
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Phillips New York
450 Park Avenue
New York 10022 - 2 pm
- Link
Modern Life
Post-War Photographs, Prints & Design
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Sotheby's New York
1334 York Avenue
New York 10021 - 2 pm
- Link
Dave Bown Projects Preis
Visual Arts
New York
Tel: +1 (917) 365-5265 - Deadline 06.07.2015
- Link
Show Your World
Painting, Illustration, Photography, Mixed Media
RE:ARTISTE International Art Society
1115 Broadway, Suite #12, New York City 10010
USA - Deadline 30.06.2015 - Link
Bogliasco Foundation Fellowship
Arts and Humanities
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The Bogliasco Foundation
1 East 53rd Street (10th Floor)
New York, NY 10022
USA - Deadline
- Link
Trade fairs
Collective Design Fair
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Skylight Clarkson Square
55o Washington Street
New York
USA - Link
Trade fairs
The Salon: Art+Design
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Park Avenue Armory
643 Park Ave
New York, NY 10065, USA - Link
Loot 2014
MAD about Jewelry
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Museum of Arts and Design
2 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019, USA - Link
Killer Heels
The Art of the High-Heeled Shoe
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Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway
New York 11238-6052, USA - Link
Chinese Art through the Eye of Sakamoto Gorō.
Song Ceramics.
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1334 York Avenue
New York 10021, USA - 10 a.m.
- Link
Designing Modern Women.
1890s-1990s. Design.
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Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53 Street
New York, NY 10019, USA
- Link