In the PROFILES section, the portraits of and works by selected designers, manufacturers and artists are cross-lined with their galleries and shops. Become part of a large network that will help you increase public awareness of you and your products and boost your sales.
Please write to us if you are interested in a profile on Art Aurea:
What you should consider when applying for a profile on Art Aurea:
1 Biography
Your biography should be brief and concise. This is why we ask you to list only the most important stages in your life (5 at most) — starting from your date of birth via stages in your professional training to the time when you set up your atelier / started working freelance. If applicable, also mention your most important awards (2 at most). If you have received more, we’ll complement them with the phrase “and other prizes/awards”.
2 Short portrait
You’re welcome to send us your own text (approximately 700 characters including spaces), which we’ll edit stylistically, if necessary, and send to you for approval. If you don’t have a suitable text, we’ll write one for you. In this case, we’d need you to answer the following questions:
● What’s the idea/philosophy behind your work?
● Please give us a brief description of your approach and working method, plus, if applicable, of any special techniques you use.
● Which materials do you prefer, and why?
● What kind of people do your works appeal to, and how do you want them to be used?
3 Photo gallery
Please send us your photos in high resolution (300 dpi, print quality) as .jpg files. As a rule, each photo should not depict more than one item. Images of several variants, ensembles or entire collections are usually not suitable. In most cases, an item is shown to maximum advantage when photographed against a light-gray background. Cropped images that don’t depict an item in its entirety or photos with a complex background are usually hard to adjust. Portrait photo: To complement the photos of your works, please also send us a portrait photo of yourself (at least 300 dpi). It can be replaced any time when you have a more recent and better one.
4 Galleries and shops
Please send us a list of your points of sale (names and places of the galleries/shops) so that we can link them to your profile. In the event that they represent/convey a sophisticated contemporary design culture and are not ART AUREA partners yet, we’ll gladly include them in our internet platform. So feel free to let your retail partners know that they’re welcome to apply for inclusion in our ART AUREA platform and to become partners of our community of contemporary design culture and artistic crafts.