Nils Schmalenbach
1974 Born in Essen, Germany
1997–2000 Trained as a goldsmith in Dortmund
2005–07 Further training at the Design College of Hanau’s State Drawing Academy, graduated as a state-certified designer
2009–11 Studied Gemstone and Jewelry Design, Idar-Oberstein department of Trier’s University of Applied Sciences (B.A.)
2012 Postgraduate studies in Visual Communication at the University of Art and Design in Offenbach

Nils Schmalenbach

The medallions and rings created by Nils Schmalenbach are characterized by minimalist, unpretentious forms and shapes. In the interplay of light and shadow, however, they reveal an almost magical complexity thanks to this jewelry artist’s knowing how to use the physical properties of gemstones to maximum effect. A slim agate disk with an evenly polished flat surface, for example, conceals the portrait of a young woman, or a bird or skull motif underneath. Agate is an opaque stone that displays a grayish-cool tint when it reflects the light. But when the light shines through it, its color changes into a warm, amber-yellow hue, and the picture underneath can be discerned more clearly. So Schmalenbach’s creations call for attentive contemplation while at the same time evoking memories and dreams. The prices range from 400 to 2500 euros.